Ionela Ferucă is a cognitive-behavioral psychotherapist (a specialization that she obtained after graduating a master degree in cognitive-behavioral psychotherapy at Titu Maiorescu University, in Bucharest, Romania); a behavioral analyst (by completing the Applied Behavior Analysis master program, through Clemson University – Romania program); and an accredited trainer.

“9 years ago, I met the first children with autism, and I simply knew that I wanted to work in this field. Since 2014, I am part of the Help Autism Association team, where, day by day, I celebrate, together with my colleagues, the successes of children with special minds.”

Abstract of the conference presentation

AutismON Platform. A Digital Solution for the Therapeutic Process.

The AutismON platform brings together specialists, families and resources, constituting a digital solution highly focused on the child and his progress. The platform addresses to center and NGOs managers, therapy coordinators, therapists and the family. AutismON guides the collaboration between the family and specialists, and offers over 150 resources for the child’s needs. Therapy coordinators halve the time allocated to work according to the child’s personalized intervention plan; the therapists have access to the child’s digital file, and communicate effectively with the family, and can set homework and activities; the family has immediate access to any information about the therapeutic process, and solve the themes and activities set on the child’s account, actively participating in his recovery, and they can also create their own digital file.