Andreea Stroe – Matauan
I am a Specialist Experiential Psychotherapist, BCBA Behavior Analyst, ANC accredited Trainer and the mother of two boys – Sebastian and Andrei. I have been working for over 16 years with children and adolescents diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder and other developmental disorders and with their families. My practice emphasizes the relationship, orientation to the specific needs of the person and open communication. I work to have a neurodiversity-affirming approach and seek to continually develop. I am happy to share my knowledge and experience in consulting, supervision and mentoring sessions, as well as through the courses and group programs that I design and organize for professionals and parents.
Presentation: Mind Theory – Recent studies and implications for working with children and teenagers
In this paper I will present the recent studies that taught the skills of the mind theory, I will connect the information with my practice of over 16 years with children and adolescents diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder and I will draw conclusions for the practice, based on which specialists, parents and people who assist children and adolescents can accompany them in acquiring new skills, respecting neurodiversity.