Lavinia Daringa.
Abstract of the conference presentation
Organizing the child’s file – technical norm in behavioral intervention
Behavioral intervention in children with autism spectrum disorder involves the combined efforts of a team of several specialists and family, and organizing a file with personalized data is a basic condition for effective communication between team members and also for measuring the child’s progress.
The presentation will address the following issues:
- The importance of making a file with well-structured ABA programs.
- Components of a custom file with ABA programs:
- Skill grid
- General objectives
- Personalized intervention plan
- Frequency of inappropriate behaviors
- Evaluation of preferences
- The child’s daily schedule
- List of active programs
- Daily grading sheets
- Evolution chart
- List of master programs
- Evaluation of therapists
- Presentation of the file model with ABA programs of a child with TSA.
- Useful materials in the efficient organization of the data in the file.
- Sorting and storing data over time.
- Conclusions.