Miriam Ghețea


Miriam Ghețea has graduated from the Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences, being specialized in Special Psychopedagogy. She is a psychopedagogist and ABA therapist, with 7 years of experience in this field. Currently, she is working as a therapist at the Casa Soarele center, within the Help Autism Association. Summary of the International [...]

Miriam Ghețea2020-10-21T09:31:40+03:00

Adriana Boriceanu


Adriana Boriceanu became familiarized with the field of ABA therapy over 16 years ago, as a psychology student. Currently, she is a graduate of Psychology at the Titu Maiorescu University, holds a MA in Cognitive-Behavioral Psychotherapy, while also having the right of independent practice in this domain. She is an accredited trainer, graduated two [...]

Adriana Boriceanu2020-10-19T09:40:56+03:00

Lăcrămioara Petre


Lăcrămioara Petre is an anthropologist who is working as a researcher at “Francisc I. Rainer” Institute of Anthropology of Romanian Academy for over 20 years. She has a PhD degree in Medical Sciences since 2008 and her work field is feeding behavior.She published many scientific articles about nutrition and feeding behavior and also about children [...]

Lăcrămioara Petre2020-10-19T20:16:38+03:00

Ioana Horez


Ioana Horez is a psychologist with over 5 years of experience in working with children which manifest delays in their development. Ioana is currently pursuing her studies at Clemson University. Abstract of the International ABA Conference 2020 presentation. How can I get my child to play? This presentation will be held in [...]

Ioana Horez2020-10-18T11:00:04+03:00
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